What role does technology play in such a passion field? More than you might think. Art is a passion field like music where excitement often comes from your personal taste. Moreover, the story behind the work or artist is very important as well as the "brand" of the art object to protect your investment. The majority of art buyers still put money down simply for the love and passion of the art piece in focus.
Technology has a lot of potential in the art field. Especially if you consider that this is an annual two-digit billion-dollar business. Read the interview I was privileged to give for UBS, where I had the great opportunity to work on several art innovation projects that looked at how innovation, technology and art could play together.
Chris Frey @chrisfrey.com
#art #arttech #digital #digitalization #digitalisation #blockchain

Published on June 12th 2017 for UBS and Art Basel launch: https://www.ubs.com/microsites/together/en/spotlight/is-art-for-you.html